[Location] The Fademire

The sprawling underdark of Karnor.

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

The Fademire

Deep within the Second Deep of the Warrens, resting just above a pathway to the Third Deep, there waits the Fademire. A swamp that sits somewhere between the lands of Earth and Water just past the edges of a murky woodland, the Fademire holds within its grasp many secrets. It is a curious place, where two elemental forces combine to create a landscape of wetlands, crooked trees, and humid temperatures. Insects are ever present. The entire place seems to be perpetually shifting between oppressive cloudy humidity and rainfall that ranges between a light drizzle to a heavy downpour. Travelers be warned, within the swamp there are many things that lie in wait. Most of those things delight in feasting upon both the flesh and souls of mortals that fall into their traps.



The Bogwood is a dreary place that weighs heavily upon any who step inside of it. The trees are twisted and seem to be at war with one another, clawing for life as they stretch toward a sunless sky. Within the woods there drift orbs of sickly green light that promise to usher those who follow them to either safety or to death, it is pure luck that decides which. The wood is filled with vines and insects that constantly move to thwart any attempt at passage. The forest has a continual eerie green light that suffuses the world in a pale yellow-green tones. This light has a definitive source, pesticyte. The dragonshard of pestilence, poison and disease is found in abundance within the Bogwood. As a result, many of the creatures that dwell there have strange and poisonous properties that are the horror of any healer to deal with. Travelers should be cautioned that eating or drinking anything within the Bogwood runs the risk of encountering some of the strange poisons that can be found there. Extreme caution should be used if preparing anything for consumption that was caught or taken from the Bogwood. The use of prepared rations is always the safest option when possible.



Somewhere deep within the Bogwood there stands the hut of Mama Siloba. Some say that she is a spirit. Some say she’s a powerful witch. Others say she’s a goddess. Regardless, Mama Siloba’s hut is never found by accident, if it is found at all. She and her domain present themselves to travelers in a moment of need, whether they consciously acknowledge that need is of no consequence. Always it will be “just around the corner” or “just past the vines”. Mama Siloba will welcome any who choose to enter her hut. Sometimes people leave exactly as they left. Sometimes they leave a little different than before. Sometimes...they don’t leave at all. Whatever happens, it is clear that Mama Siloba is a being of incredible power to have carved out a place for herself in a realm so treacherous. She will offer her hospitality freely, providing rest and safe passage to those in need of it. Provided those who find her are polite and bring her no ill will, travelers can stay and then leave and will come to no harm.

Before travelers leave her hut, she will always, always offer to bargain with them. Exactly what the bargain entails is entirely dependent upon the individual. But it will always be a tempting offer. She will offer this bargain only once. If accepted, she will give it...for a price. If declined, she will leave the traveler to their business.



Somewhere deep within the Bogwood, there stands the Plagueheart. The desiccated corpse of a large and twisted tree with blackened vines that hang from its gnarled branches. Beating within the trunk of the tree is a terrible light that sends putrid mists wafting over the swampy waters that surround it. Within the waters swim parasitic creatures that leech from their victims the essence of their vitality. Alone, they sap the strength but in swarms they can be deadly, sucking all lifeforce from an unfortunate soul caught in their grasp. Drifting around the Plagueheart are twisted spirits that feed upon the dreams, nightmares and essence of any foolish enough to be caught in their grasp.

It is unknown where the Plagueheart came from. It is unknown exactly what rests at the heart of the blackened tree, none have ever gotten close enough to see. Some say that it is a pesticyte dragonshard of such sublime quality that it has no comparison. Others say it is the rotting heart of a dead god. Perhaps one day, the secret will be discovered…

word count: 881

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